"You cannot solve problems from the same level of thinking that caused them."  -- Albert Einstein


Nehemiah Community Project (NCP)

NCP strives to provide valuable services that transform individuals into a healthy community through veterans programs, mental health services and family advocacy.





NCP provides veterans and active military members guidance along the continuous journey of life.  From housing to counseling, from readjustment to military benefits, social services, and legal advocacy NCP is here to help.

Veterans face numerous challenges including Crisis, Deep Loss, Moral Injury, Fear, Hardships of Separation, Post Traumatic Stress and Helplessness to name a few, contact us to begin a conversation about the Mental Health Pipeline.

We protect those who served! 





NCP recognizes the toll military families must endure during deployment and readjustment. The stress involved in loving  a soldier in a War Zone, redeployment, isolation and family brokenness creates a strain on family interconnections.  

NCP stands behind military families to support military spouses and family members through financial guidance and counseling while adjusting to a service member's war injuries and P.T.S.D. With couples counseling, family support groups, and youth advocacy NCP encourages military families to join support networks and seek assistance when needed.




Like so many others, NCP recognizes the benefit of a good neighbor. Especially when that neighbor offers practical support.  Reestablishment of community connection allows military and veteran's families to increase resilience and improve mental health.

NCP seeks to raise community awareness and to increase support for veterans and their families. 

NCP offers family to family contacts, neighborhood social events, community network support and referrals, community care programs, as well as faith-based resources for those that wish to re-establish the groundwork of wellness and spiritual connectivity.


It is our motivation to work in partnership with government, organizations, hospitals and mental health agencies in support of veterans and their families within the Maywood Proviso community.