Welcome to NCP!

The need for the Nehemiah Community Project (NCP) was born out of the unmet need for an array of services in Maywood Proviso Township. This rapidly growing non-profit organization has risen to the task of providing mental health and well-being services to this community, and currently offers:

En-Game NCP’s flagship program

 En-Game provides a safe space for men (age 18 and up) to gather each week.  As an En-Game member, there is no judgment, but rather a place where men of color can discuss topics that allow problem-solving, validation, affirmation, and simply a spot to get some help dealing with the pressures of life.  Facilitated both virtually and in person, this highly successful group is drawing new members from across the country. Expansion plans are underway to meet the demand for increased membership.

T.A.C.T. (Trauma Awareness Capacity Training)

Nearly half of the population in the US will experience a traumatic event at least once in their lifetime. This initiative component is designed to bring awareness, coping tools and resources, to help individuals who have experienced trauma. NCP works with an individual or group to navigate through challenges and recognize why an event one has experienced can trigger certain behaviors.

Mental Health Matters

We are proud to announce we are providing mental health counseling, peer support, and group therapy. We accept BCBS, provide sliding scale and pro-bono services as well.

Coming Soon!!

Veterans’ Support Services

Transitioning from active military service to civilian life can be extremely difficult, especially if the veteran is unaware of available services. NCP is in the process of building a collaborative network of individuals with expertise in addressing the needs of this unique population. NCP will launch this veteran-focused component, intended to be the “one-stop” where veterans can come for the assistance they need to move forward.

Reintegration Services

When a formerly incarcerated individual transitions successfully back into a neighborhood, the community benefits. Individuals who have been convicted of the crime(s) and have paid their debt to society, often continue to pay through ongoing obstacles they face including finding employment, housing and even meeting their most basic needs. Most urgently needed for this population is a resource with which they can be connected to the services they need. As with our Veterans’ Services, NCP aims to be the “go-to” source for formerly incarcerated individuals, better ensuring successful re-entry into their neighborhood and the broader community.