COVID-19: Experience From Our Front Line Worker

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Our panelists discussion

Our panelists has been heroes battling the coronavirus pandemic by keeping us updated and providing answers to our many questions. These nurses and our host have found ways to provide emotional support to the community. They are willing to share their personal experiences during a virtual panel discussion on February 15th at 7 pm.


Cheryl Mettille RN, BSN

Cheryl Mettille is an Emergency Room Nurse with over 35 years of nursing experience. Cheryl obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of St. Francis in Joliet, IL. Cheryl is very passionate about helping people who are in need regardless of if they are family, friends or strangers. For over 20 years Cheryl volunteered with the American Cancer Society.


Talecia M. Bradley, RN, BSN

Talecia M. Bradley is a Registered Nurse with nearly 10 years of community health experience. In 2012, she obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the Saint Xavier University School of Nursing and Health Sciences, one of less than 20 Centers for Excellence in Nursing Education in the United States. Professionally, she has achieved leadership through her adept knowledge of database functions. Always an educator, she has excelled at the training of fellow healthcare providers, which has affected system-wide improvements for a large midwestern health system. 

Talecia is a passionate leader seeking to improve healthcare outcomes for minorities by consulting with various religious, community, and women’s organizations to address health disparities in underserved communities. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Talecia has partnered with The Nehemiah Community Project to assist with providing COVID information and resources to Cook County residents who may be at risk of severe illness should they contract the virus.


Rodnita Samuels, PharmD

Graduated from Spelman College with a B.S. in Chemistry in 2012 and obtained a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy in 2016. She currently works as a Staff Pharmacist at Meijer Pharmacy and is currently supporting the Meijer-based COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics throughout northern IL.
